Sunday, January 13, 2013

How You Can Help Spread The Word About The Apps!

Hello everyone! I am excited to announce the launch of my Photography Assignment Generator apps for iPad! Get them on the app store here!
As was the case with my first launch, I need your help to get these apps out there and up the lists.  If I can get into the top 10 lists, it will be huge exposure!
I will again be offering random prize draws to try to thank you for this help.  I will be offering 5 $50 certificates towards courses.  Even if you won last time, you name will go in again. If the app goes big, I will add some better prizes hopefully!

-share this blogpost about the launch

-while I hope you all download the full version, even if you just download the FREE version it helps get the apps up the popular lists, and that’s what I need to be successful at this.

-Please forward the info I sent you on the app to anyone else you think may be interested! Make sure to cc me on the email!

-Post the info on any photographers forums, blogs, etc, that you take part in who may be interested.  If you do, please send me a link so I can monitor for any questions/problems/feedback, etc.

-Like and share my app page on Facebook

-Like and share my posts on Facebook about the app launch

-Like and share my app page on my website at

-Follow me on twitter, tweet about the app, or retweet my tweet about the launch and follow me at

-Share the videos on my channels on Youtube here:  and on Vimeo here:

-Rate and review the apps on the app store!

thank you everyone for helping me get closer to my dream of just doing what I love, teaching photography!

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